The end of the school year can be stressful for teachers. One reason is that they have to prepare for final exams and make sure that their students are prepared. They may also have to deal with last-minute requests from students or parents. Besides, how can teachers keep your students engaged when they know there are only a few weeks left before summer holidays?
Here are 10 end of the year ideas for children at school.
1.The end of year is a great moment to try something new
Maybe there is something you have wanted to try with the next group of students, but you are unsure if it will work well. Try it out with your current students to see if it works well. This can be a new technology program, a new classroom management strategy, or a new instructional strategy. If it goes well, then in the fall you can roll it out with confidence.
2. Try land art
Kids love nature and art. Land art is a type of contemporary art that uses elements from nature. Arranged in a continuous, circular or spiral way, for example, the elements found on the ground and discovered in the surrounding nature offer us an interesting work of art. The whole class goes outside and evaluates the natural objects available: rocks, sand, gravel, wild flowers, stems, leaves, branches already on the ground). In groups of two, the pupils draw up a plan orally and collect the necessary natural elements in a basket. They then have 20 minutes to create their land art.
3. Encourage students to write a small memoir about the year
You could start by asking your students to write a small memoir about their class. The project is about getting students to anonymously answer questions about their year. It can be done for fun or more seriously answers. You might even get some insight into how to improve the class in the future. You could also organize a literary contest where each participant will receive a personalized medal to mark the occasion.
4. Have a field day
Field trips or activities outside may be a good way to spend the last days of school. This is because students may be more inclined to participate in activities that they have been looking forward to throughout the year. Furthermore, activities in nature may also be beneficial.
5. Involve students with music
Using music as a teaching tool can be beneficial for students in a variety of ways. Music can help to engage students, get them out of their seats and moving, and also help them to reflect on what they have learned throughout the year. Listening to popular tunes can also be a fun way for students to brainstorm, write, and discuss different topics.
6. Create a summer list
Creating a summer list as a way to get students thinking and dreaming about their summer plans. This activity can be coupled with goal setting and planning for summer reading. To get started, the author suggests holding a brainstorming session.
7. Make students and teacher think
The idea is that teachers reflect on their classes, and get input from their students on what went well and what could be improved. One way to do this is to have students write advice to the next grade level about the class. This can be a fun and creative way for students to share their thoughts.
8. A countdown to summer
Use a summer-themed printable and daily magnet countdown could be a great idea.
Each magnet has a student name inside and each day a magnet is added to a magnetic board. That student gets to be celebrated in whatever way you see fit for that class period. For example, he/she can sit in a special spot, he/she can write on the white board, etc. Each magnet can be made with a badge machine.
9. Try escape rooms
Using escape rooms is a fun way to teach and reinforce skills throughout the year. Students can work both in partners or independently in-person, virtual, or hybrid settings.
10. A quiz for kids
You can ask students to prepare a quiz. In groups, students will take turns answering their questions and collect the answers. If one group hasn’t answered correctly, the group that developed the question will answer it, explaining and expanding on the answer. In this case, you will give the mark to the group that asked and answered.
There are many ways to make your students enjoy this particular time of the year. We hope these tips were useful.